“An outstanding addition to our knowledge about the human race and our relationship with the extreme.”

Prof. Michael Kirby FRCP
Editor - Trends in Urology and Men's Health

A journey into the potential chiselling away of our humanity.

A thought-provoking discourse about our obsession with the extreme, written by JA Hind.

As seen on TV

'Humans in the Extreme' will open your eyes to the patent compulsion we have for the extreme, our weakness to resist it and the consequences of this on humanity.

'Humans in the Extreme' is a bracing and vital read and the first of its kind to expose the beguiling, yet deeply disturbing, fascination we have with the extreme. Author and psychotherapist, JA Hind, takes the reader into an unflinching no-holds barred discussion of the depraved aspects of our human nature, the perplexing reasons that drive us to do the terrible things we do and the repercussions this is having on our capacity to feel – even for a second. 

Without distorting the truth of the sciences, 'Humans in the Extreme' profoundly examines the systems and processes that lead so-called ordinary people to commit appalling acts of violence or stand by and do nothing to stop them. By unpicking the origins and revelations of extreme, as it has unfolded through the passage of time, this book encourages each of us to question our own affiliation with the extreme and the fundamental beliefs and constructs of the world that we have come to know.  Having garnered information from scientists, biologists, historians and psychologists alike, 'Humans in the Extreme' crosses the divide between science and human emotion, making it not only a compelling read but also accessible to a wide audience of people.

Contact the author of 'Humans in the Extreme'


Table of contents

Take a look at all of the content covered in the book.

'Humans in the Extreme' is comprised of 330 pages of captivating and, at times, highly charged content, immersing you ever deeper into the mind-blowing intricacies of our human nature.

  1. Chapters


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'Humans in the Extreme' is available to purchase as a physical book, an ebook and as an audiobook through Audible.

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    Waterstones: Physical edition

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      Take a look at some sample passages from within the chapters of 'Humans in the Extreme' below.

      Preview one of the chapter samples by selecting one of them from the list.

      1. Extreme & Us

      2. Science and Emotion

      3. Sextreme

      4. Hacking away at Humanity

      5. Humanocide


      Learn more about Humans in the Extreme by exploring some more media from JA Hind.

      1. Mix 92.6 Radio Interview

        Listen to a 10 minute radio interview about Humans in the extreme, with author JA Hind on Mix 92.6.

      2. BBC Interview: Humans in the Extreme

        Listen to an interview with Babs Michel on BBC Three Counties Radio, with author JA Hind about Humans in the Extreme.

      3. BBC Interview: How do you beat loneliness

        Listen to an interview with Honor Morrison, with author JA Hind about beating loneliness on BBC Three Counties Radio.


      JA Hind – A bit about the author behind 'Humans in the Extreme'.

      Jane Amelda Hind was born in North London, England and is the second youngest of seven children. Her parents, Maureen and Charles Feeney, originated from Cleggan, which is a small fishing village on the west coast of Ireland. Where Cleggan holds much appeal – especially for writers and artists, the most notable being the poet Richard Murphy - it is also etched in tragedy. For it was on a night in October 1927 that 45 local fishermen lost their lives to a severe and most unexpected storm, now known as ‘The Cleggan Bay Disaster’. Festus Feeney, the captain of one of the fishing boats, was the only man able to steer his boat home safely that night and, in doing so, saved not just himself but also the lives of his entire crew. This story has much pertinence to Jane because Festus Feeney was her Grandfather.

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